Monday, April 23, 2012

The Future On the Social Media Network

The social market is already saturated by many social media sites such Facebook, twitter, Flicker, blogs, YouTube and many more. So it seems like we already have them all, But I propose a new type of media called "HBookTi," in this new type of media people would able to communicate by messages, video calls or any other type of communication that people would like or exist. And the main point of the new type of media is to provide help to students and to normal people with the homework problems. For example, the  students can upload his/her homework problem to the page and then the other student(s) or tutor post a similar problem explained step by step how to solve the problem. The New social media also would help to the lower income family with the education of the kids because most of the tutors would help at no fee charge. For example, before any person become interest to support the web page must know that everything would considerate as charity portion to community and it would not exist any type of  reward for the assist, meaning no one can get pay for the help to the student. The last important point of the new media is that anyone would use the support form the web page. for example, adults and college students can use the help from the tutors in their work projects and the help would come in many different languages and people would pull out the their knowledge to the public. Well, this mine new type of media for the future and I hope all you like it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wiki- So Far

On the wiki page I just add my personal information on it. However, I had read some interest articles about the new media and economics. For example, in the articles describe how the new media helps the corporations to reach more customers that would get interest in the new products on the advertising . There also some interest points about the way corporations reach their customers and what is industries media use the most because not everything is free. There are some articles that describe how people are getting benefits for the new media in the term of economics. these and other ideas would be discuss in the wiki page.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

P2P FileSharing

What is file sharing? The meaning of the word is the ability to providing or distributing access to digital information such videos, documents, books, computer programs and special media (videos, images and audio). This process of the distribution and dispersion of the information can be by flash-drives, the actual manual physical objects ( DCs, DVDs, documents in paper, media tapes or any other type of object) and by through the Internet.
The process of sharing any type of information through the Internet or any other way, is leading to P2P "Peer to Peer or Play to Play" but what does it mean now? the term of P2P refers to a new type  of network in where allows personal computers hardware and software works without special service devices and now P2P becomes popular technology for the file sharing in the community for the access of the documents and computers programs for free. Today exist many of P2P such Kazaa, Pirate Bay, Shareaza, BitTorrent, Ares and many more. All of these websites or P2P  provide the files haring in huge quantities to people around the world and every day in crease the file sharing in the community.

  1. Should Online Scofflaws Be Denied Web Access?" by ERIC PFANNER, The New York Times, April 13, 2009, p. B4. Available at
  2. Choi, David Y; Perez, Arturo. Online piracy and the emergence of new business models (Conference Paper). USASBE/SBI 2006 Joint Conference Proceedings. Tucson, AZ. ed. Toombs, Leslie A. 2006.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Privacy and Confidentiality

The state of privacy is to keep a personal information secure from bad use in the community, while confidentiality term means communicated and informed in a secret way, it is commune use in the military operation. So , what does these two terms have to do with the new media? Well, in the last few years privacy and confidentiality and the new media have been mix in the daily life of people therefore, many of the privet and confidential information and communication are expose to other people that they not need to know through the new media. As a result, of that, people are concerning that the new media can produce harm to people for distribute information in easy way to many people.


If I were hired by Baruch College to improve it, I would recommend to the college open a technology website where all students can get access to post their creativity, ideas, opinions or designs at free-charge.  In the website would include the basic tools such as recording videos, blogs, a new type of wikis and other type of new media and it would also include the advance tools such diverse types of softwares, programs for the invention of the new software or improvement of the softwares that are out, This way all students would work together as a team and community for the better of all of them.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Creativity and New Media

Ready for everything, it is all that you need to do. Be creativity is part of the human nature and it will come up any time, any moment because as human everything is possible. Everyone is imaging something every day because is the best thing that we do and the new media such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are helping to distributing our imagination, our creation and ideas. Any person can post his/her videos about something that like most and share to everyone who want to see. people can also send short and brief messages by twitter with harm anyone. Design and editing pictures for reach opinions with the people that some love most and so on. Everything is possible because it starts in our creativity and the new media for permits reach people with limitless.
Funny Wedding Dance to Britney Spears Surprise!

Creativity on your World

In order to develop a project or move an object from one place to another, or create a piece of art, one has to have an instrument, mechanism and imagination to do so. The new media does similar task in order to promotes or fosters creativity, creativity is the creation of new thing or the solutions of the new ideas. Therefore, the new media allows to transmit people's creativity to other people around the world through it. An example, is when some people make a combination of the two or more videos of their favorites artiest into one and then upload into the new media, sharing to whole world, in this case the YouTube website is the most useful tool for people to show their innovation with videos because it allows to play the videos with people creativity and it can be play as many times as anyone want. Flicker is another type of the new media that fosters the creativity, Flickr is a photo website where people can perform basic image-editting and create their own style picture. Since, for some people an image or picture must have a meaning of itself and it can not be leave as simple image therefore, people use the new media for show their creativity and imagination into the pictures and then expose to the public.

Tip of the Week: Basic Photo Editing on Flickr by J.D BIERSDORFER

  1. I Tube, You Tube, Everybody Tubes: Analyzing the World’s Largest User Generated Content Video System by Meeyoung Cha, Haewoon Kwak, Pablo Rodriguez, Yong-Yeol Ahn, and Sue Moon. Proceedings of the 7th ACM SICOMM conference on Internet Measurement, San Diego, CA, October 2007, pp. 1-14. Available at Image:Pkcheck.gif
  2. Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers by CLAIRE CAIN MILLER, the New York Times, October 26, 2009. Available at:

Friday, March 16, 2012

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

What are difference in the Virtual Worlds?
The Virtual world has been designed to improve the real life of the human being. It allows to people to do what in the real life can't do. For example, people now can imaging fly with their own capabilities, swimming and breathing under water, creating fantasy a world that it does not exist and imaging new ideas for personal future life. The second life also is good because it can be use for people that has mentality problems such autism, so the second world offers to them to create their own world, with the feature that it always dream of it. in addition, the second world is use in companies or industries for training and communication. For example, the virtual world is use now in hospital to training people like nurses and doctors, the purpose of this experiment is to ensure that personal take the right decision in case of emergency or just simple drill. IBM uses the the virtual life in 3D in its operation system because it allows to employees to work in projects. The purpose of the new life is to bring opportunities, effectiveness and efficiency in the future of the new human life.
In human life there are always pros and cons with new experiments, for some people the virtual life is another window for work opportunities because it would be convenience to work without travel or meet personal clients. Physical disability will not longer be an obstacle in the second life with 3D, with the use of avatar people interact into the society, allowing to anyone to have comprehension with person disabilities and it make the communication accessible to everyone in the community.
One of the the problems with virtual world is the distraction that exist in the virtual world because there are many things to do therefore, people would explore the imaginary world rather than to communicate the real message. Another problem with there virtual world is that this world is available only with the internet access therefore, people that have weak internet or bad signal could get problems to load the webpage and not able to work. The last obstacle of the virtual world is the age, this fantasy world is too  young and new experiment that  people don't know with exactitude of the consequences in the future or how to give well use.
In my opinion, the virtual world would be like other social media network for people where, they can communicate and share their opinions. There will going people that would like the virtual world and other that they not. One the big issues in the future that the Virtual World would bring in the future, it is the privacy because we have to remember that people like to have privacy in the personal life.

  1. No Budget, No Boundaries: It’s the Real You by RUTH LA FERLA, the New York Times, Oct 22, 2009 p. E1. Available at:
  2. Going to the Virtual Office in Second Life, Nov 5, 2009
  3. "Avatar II: The Hospital" by Stephanie Simon, The Wall Street Journal, April 13, 2010

Monday, March 12, 2012

Blog about Twitter

Twitter is another type of social media that allows to users to use 140 characters, therefore the student(s) must focus in the main idea of what he or she wants to communicate to his or her classmates. Also, in twitter the grammar does not matter because the student(s) can write in a free style and it is very easy to use. While, Blackboard offers unlimited characters, so there is not pressure in the main point to write, you can describe your idea with details. The grammar has to be eligible way meaning that student has to able to understand your thoughts. In addition, Blackboard is not so difficult to use, it is almost similar to other social media in the terms of tools. And the most important thing of Blackboard is the privacy, nothing goes out, every thing stays in it.

Social Networking Sites

MySpace is for people that have the same taste of things, in special music and self conversation with friends that they know to each other with the same interest in life. For example, teenagers converse with teenagers, and coworkers with coworkers.

Facebook is equal a book. People can share picture, links, ideas and funny things with their friends and then they can share the same thing with other friends. It is all about to stay connect with people that you know and people that you don't know.   

Twitter is like shortcut. twitter allows you to connect with people that are interest in your in short comments. Not necessarily have to know the person that you are fallowing, you can follow the person as long you think the conversation still interest to you.       
Blog is a personal journal. People can provide a commentary on a particular subject in the word wide web. People can describe their thoughts with specific description and other people can leave their comments if they are interest in the subject. And there is not limitation on the text.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Social Networking

 The Social Network is one the most common technology which people use to communicate to each other. Companies and industries use the social network in their production, for example some companies have their own blog-site where their employees can use for share basic information regarding with projects to the company. Other companies use this kind of technology to listen the employees' opinion regarding with the rules, condition, systems and management in the workplace. CEOs use the Social Network for recruiting new workforce.
Another benefit that the Social Network technology gives to the companies, is that some problem can be resolve much easier than before. For example, the most notorious problems for the companies, it used to be the communication and distance, between production factories and headquarters. Before people have to use the telephone and travel in order to know what is going on to each or something relate with the business. Today companies avoid this problems and they use the technology to be informed such as Text messages, Chatting on the computers, Twitter, Facebook and Blogs.
Is there a "dark side"? If this is a real question, it could be very easy and difficult at the same time to answer this question. However, in my opinion I believe that technology does not have anything about dark side instead of that, the dark site is the people because is the one who uses the technology and put the good and the bad things such as opinions, experiences many other things.

  1. Being There: The subtle art of the Facebook update, by Virginia Heffernan. The New York Times Magazine, Feb 15, 2009, p. 25.
  2. Is MySpace Good for Society? A Freakonomics Quorum by Stephen J. Dubner. NYT Feb 15, 2008

Monday, February 27, 2012

Blogs Vs Wikis

It is true that both Blogs and Wikis are useful to people in order to communicated, get aware or noticed something new or something that would coming. Lets discuss more deeply about these two media. In the blogs people can have their own account in which can publish about opinion, feeling and passion on the world wide web, letting know to other people or a small group of people about the new subject in a short or long message. Blogs are own by one single person, meaning that no one is able to edit the massage or put other information or extra information about the subject but visitors can leave comments about the subject that is discussing in the blog. The blogs can use as a personal diaries because a person can write about his/her experiences during the day and share to other person that it does the same in the blog. Companies or Industries use the blog in the terms of advertising their products to people with images, text links to other blogs or wed pages. all of these are a blogs or social networks.
Wiki is a web page in which people are able to add, modify or delete content at any time. A Wiki is not owned by a single person, meaning that anyone that have access to the web can post information in the wikipage. The wiki-page provide lot of information to people and most of this information rely from newspapers, magazines, books, projects and other sources, so the information provided in the wiki-page is considered believable or trustworthy. Wiki has everything image, links, easy to access to other webpages and visitors can collaborated in a particular wiki-project or text. but what is difficult is the wiki-text because it has its own language in order to edit or do something else in the wiki-page, it is not as the blog write and publish on the web. This is wiki.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

This is my 1st blogger

Hi! everyone in class. For now, I going to use this name because it was a little bit difficult to get a good title.

CIS 3810
                                    The Important of the New Media on society 
            In the project of the important of the new media, I’m going to discuss hot the education and the new media have in common or not. Second, thing that I would talk about, it would be communication that media provided to people, good or bad. Then, it would be how the research in the media works, it is easy to find something, interesting, worth and worthless. The last thing, that I going to talk about it is the protection that the new media provide t people. All of these concepts are important to the society.